Bank Promotion exam materials

Bank Promotion study materials

Promotion Materials

          Bank Promotion exam study materials

  1. AML : Anti money laundry.
  2. BHIM : Bharat interface for money.
  3. CDD : Customer due Diligence.
  4. CFT : Combating of financing of terrorism.
  5. CGFMU : credit guarantee for micro finance.
  6. CIP : Customer identification procedure.
  7. CKYCR : Central KYC records register.
  8. CTR : cash transaction report.
  9. DEAF : Depositor education and awareness fund.
  10. FATCA : Foreign account tax compliance act.
  11. FATF : Financial action task force.
  12. FEMA : Foreign Exchange management act.
  13. FIU : Financial intelligence unit.
  14. LUCC : Laghu Udayami Credit Card.
  15. MUDRA : micro unit development and refinance agency.
  16. NRLM : national rural livelihood mission.
  17. NULM : National urban livelihood mission.
  18. OVD : Officially Valid documents.
  19. PAN : Permanent account number.
  20. PMAY : Pradhan mantra aawas yojna.
  21. PMEGP : Prime minister’s employment generation programme.
  22. PMLA : Preventing of money laundry act.
  23. PMMY : Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana.
  24. STR : Suspicious transaction report.
  25. UCIC : Unique customer identification Code.

Bank Promotion exam materials


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